Instrucciones Inicio St. Cath. Generaciones Datos Índice St. Cath.
Not Identified 5.1 Marta Belgrano Not Identified 5.3 Graciela Mesanza Not Identified 5.5 Vivien Blum Not Identified 5.7 Karin Bergmannn Not Identified 5.9 Connie Choate. Maggie Mesanza Dwayne Harris Mercedes Otero Not Identified 4.4 Benedict Snerding Not Identified 4.6 Anita Sandberg ¿Steven Keller o Claudio Altmann? Frank Haedo. Frances Brown Elaine Beare Srta. Palumbo Mrs. Findlay Mrs. Garret Barbara Beare Shirley Lannes Not Identified 3.8 Cristina Lavandera. Not Identified 2.1 Roberto Larrañaga Guillermo Domenech Diego Fernández Álvaro Rivas Luis Fernández Óscar Castro Jackie Castillo Fernando Díaz. Cecilia Castillo Not Identified 1.2 Cristina Domenech Stephanie Choate Not Identified 1.5 Mónica García Morales Not Identified 1.7 Adela García Morales Not Identified 1.9 ? Grigny Haydee Altmann

Todo el colegio, 1957


From back to front, left to right:

  • Back row:
    Not Identified 5.1, Marta Belgrano, Not Identified 5.3, Graciela Mesanza, Not Identified 5.5,  Vivien Blum, Not Identified 5.7, Not Identified 5.8, Not Identified 5.9, Connie Choate.

  • 4th row from front (2nd from back):
    Maggie Mesanza, Dwayne Harris, Mercedes Otero, Not Identified 4.4, Benedict Snerding, Not Identified 4.6, Anita Sandberg, Claudio Altmann, Frank Haedo, Cristina Lavandera.

  • Teachers' row (3rd row):
    Frances Brown, Elaine Beare, Srta. Palumbo, Mrs. Findlay, Mrs. Garret, Barbara Beare, Shirley Lannes, Miss Clark?

  • 2nd row from front:
    Not Identified 2.1, Roberto Larrañaga, Guillermo Domenech, Diego Fernández, Álvaro Rivas, Luis Fernández, Óscar Castro, Jackie Castillo, Fernando Díaz.

  • Front row:
    Cecilia Castillo, Not Identified 1.2, Cristina Domenech, Stephanie Choate, Not Identified 1.5, Mónica García Morales, Not Identified 1.7, Adela García Morales, Not Identified 1.9, Grigny, Haydee Altmann.

(Foto proporcionada por Diana Beare y enviada por Adela Methol.)


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