My address:
500 W. Roy St., #W-103
Seattle, WA 98559
How to get there from I-5, going south
Four maps, in increasing degrees of zooming (I
recommend that you print all these maps):
Map 1:
Map and directions.
Map 2:
Same map, directions, zoomed in.
Map 3:
Same map, directions, zoomed in even more.
Map 4:
Same map, directions, closest zoom.
Warning: Do not
confuse 5th Ave. W. with 5th Ave. N. Street numbers start from Queen Anne
Blvd (which is the "zero street") in both directions. Going from east to
west on Roy St., the sequence is:
5th Ave. N., 4th Ave. N. 3rd Ave. N., 2nd Ave. N., 1st Ave. N.,
Queen Anne Blvd,
1st Ave. W., 2nd Ave. W., 3rd Ave. W., 4th Ave. W., 5th Ave. W.
Look at the map.
Satellite photos, in increasing degrees of zooming:
You may also want to see this Power Point show: